Practically all foreign press funnels the open investigation about Baltasar Garzon and the money that he supposedly got paid during his travels in his sabbatical year in the US.

There is no need to fool ourselves, however, because the majority of foreign journalist appoint that the PP is behind the scenes, in vengeance or prevention of the corruption cases that affect them. The foreign press interprets that the judge is victim of a persecution.

The topic is no less, in effect, like the demand in its Editorial EL PAIS today, the attack against Garzon is ??a warning? for the navigator to embark actions against the Popular Party. Comes to say: You??ll pay for this.

Between lines the German, Berliner Zeitung, in the front cover signed by Martin Dahns in his title ??Hunt the Hunter.? It is not the only journal with the subject. The BBC publishes, the Britain The Guardian also with the title: ??Pinochet??s judge is investigated in a trip to the United States? and the North American The Washington Posts with a text by Daniel Woolls, affirms: ??Spanish star judge investigator for his sabbatical stance in the United States.? ..

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