Evelio Taillacq: â??The Oscar to Penelope helps Spainâ??s Image in the USAâ?
The correspondent of The New Herald and Univision Network assures that the Oscar to the Best Supporting Actress to Penelope Cruz has been a reason for pride and emotion in the Hispanic world, not only in Spain. Evelio Taillacp also believes that the fact that the award has been due to the movie â??Vicky Cristina Barcelona,â? which has captured a Spanish city and which theme centers an aspect of life here â??helps to promote turism, culture and productsâ?¦of everything that Spain is.â?
For Evelio Taillacq, Spain is currently in the heart not only of the Latinos, but of the American public, which until today hasnâ??t known much of Spain, but it is more and more.
The correspondent believes that the Oscar to the Spanish actress is very important for her career and it will better her prestige, but considers that she had already won recognition in the American public â??projecting simplicity, humility and freshness.