The ONG Survival Asks Penelope Cruz and Kate Winslet to Boycott the Graff Diamonds in the Oscar Nomination
[News about Spain] According to the ONG, the designer jeweler Graff has 9% of its actions in Gem Diamonds, an extracting business that plans to open a polemic mine of diamonds in the ground of Kalahari, in Botswana. For this reason, the ONG ??Intenational Survival? has initiated a campaign to create a pressure, and the first step is to solicit the actresses nominated in the Oscar Awards, Penelope Cruz and Kate Winslet, to not were Draff diamonds to their Oscar nomination.
The ONG which fights for the right of the indigenous people, has been supporting the Bushman for years in their campaign against the Botswana government for their lands in the Kalahari dessert. It goes for support to various international campaigns and for help to celebrities to pressure the implicated business. They recently accomplished that De Beers, the largest diamond company in the world, abandon their decision to put a mine in Kalahari. However, Gem Diamonds maintains its project.
According to survival, ??while they have stocks in Gem Diamonds, Graff is inevitably implicated in what is happening to the Bushman, which is today one of the longest and greatest scandals in Botswana. The plans to reopen the mine in the lands of the Bushman without their own consent would be illegal in many countries and should be in the entire world. Will tear down the Bushman.