Fernando Berlín the author of this blog, is the director of Radiocable.com and participates in various media in Spain.

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The polemic director of EL MUNDO, Pedro J Ramirez, published an editorial about Judge Baltasar Garzon: ??An undesirable judge, an inutile dispute, a serious hypothesis,? ??Until this undesirable judge to all and without shame over mostly anything does not leave this matter alone, it will be impossible to demarcate the grain from the straw.?

The campaign against the judge which is chasing the corruption the right of Spain, it is immaculate. Far away are the days in which the same director of the newspaper idolized the judge, but this was back when he went after the PSOE (Socialist Party): ??The citizens -said the journalist then- can be proud to have found in Baltasar Garzon an honorable and firm judge- much younger- like the legendary John Sirica? (Watergate??s judge.)
??quiero decirte que lo que estás haciendo tiene un gran valor para muchas personas.? ??Amarga victoria?, Pedro J. Ramírez

??I want to say that what you are doing is of great value for many people.? ??Amarga Victoria,? Pedro J. Ramirez

??Is true that in tilling the soil to store the appearances?? sometimes is necessary to have concessions to the gallery and that some of this sub alternating temerarious gores known as independent judges will turn out like Garzon or Marquez.?

And as I am a attesting, he is not the only one with a slight memory loss.

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